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Hot desking

Hot Desking

This is a way of using office space efficiently. It is used by businesses for many reasons. Hot desk facilities are designed to help companies to save money. Plus, they are designed to give employees flexibility and provide a creative, vibrant environment.

What does hot-desking mean?

In basic terms, hot desking is when an organisation has fewer desks than employees. Companies use this model to save significant amounts of money. The model is cost-effective because each desk space is used by more than one employee at different times of the day or week. For example, one person uses the space in the morning; then a different person uses the desk in the afternoon, and a third employee uses the desk in the evening.

Where does the term hot desking originate?

It is thought to be derived from a navel term “Hot Racking”.  This was when sailors would use a bunk on a rotational ‘shift’ basis. Consequently, Hot Racking enabled ships to devote less space to sleeping and more to transporting goods. This was desirable as space onboard ships at a premium.

The news articles on this page give more detailed information. Plus, they explore the advantages and disadvantages of hot desking verses dedicated desk space. They look at how to overcome some of the common problems and ensure that employees enjoy using the hot desk model.

The facilities at Heath House Conference Centre can be used regularly, or they can be used on an adhoc basis as and when they are needed. Simply click on one of the articles to find out more.