01889 567014 Mon - Fri (Weekends by arrangement) Cheadle Road, Uttoxeter, Staffordshire ST14 7BY


Making your meetings COVID secure

We are delighted to be able to welcome you back and we want you to be able to feel relaxed, secure in the knowledge that all of our meeting rooms are COVID safe.

Here is a brief guide to the steps we have taken to keep you and your guests safe.

Keeping groups separate

We have changed the booking process so that we can keep your group separate from any other group who is using the building. Your arrival times and break times will be unique for your group, giving you an exclusive experience.

Keeping COVID out of the building

We want to keep the virus out of the building, so we will ask you a few health questions when you arrive, and we will ask to take your temperature. We know that this might seem a little bit intrusive, but we hope you will support us in protecting everyone.

Social distancing

We have adapted all of our room layouts so that social distancing can be maintained. We will discuss all of the options with you before you book, and we will arrange the meeting room so that it reflects your needs and adheres to guidelines.

Frequent cleaning

We have increased the frequency of our cleaning schedule, paying particular attention to touchpoints. The cleaning products that we use are designed to specifically target viruses.

Handwashing stations

We have introduced sanitising stations at the entrance to the building. Sanitisers are also available next to any identified frequent touchpoints.

Food and refreshments

We are still able to provide you with fantastic lunches. We have changed the way we serve food, creating individual meals and buffets for 1. Most meals will be served in your meeting room, but if you are first to book, you will be able to secure the use of the dining room as well.


We ask that you wear a mask when you arrive and for most of your meeting. You are welcome to take your mask off when you are eating or drinking.

There are other scenarios when you are permitted to remove a face covering. This link provides useful information: Government  guidelines on face coverings

Some guests are exempt from wearing masks. You can find detailed guidance here: https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2020/791/contents Schedule 1 (9) details conference centres.

COVID Risk Assessment

We have prepared a detailed and rigorous risk assessment which you can read here: COVID-19 Meeting room risk assessment

Government guidelines: Business meetings

If you are planning a meeting, it is useful to know what the current government guidelines say.

Latest Government guidelines released on 11 September 2020 say

  • “Meetings of up to 30 people indoors are allowed in permitted venues if social distancing can be maintained and the venue can demonstrate it has followed the COVID-19 guidance.”
  • “If permitted venues have multiple, separate meeting facilities, these can be hired out simultaneously for separate meetings/events if social distancing can be maintained, groups can be kept separate”
  • “Business meetings and events of over 30 people should not currently take place in any venue.”
  • “From 15 August, exhibition and conference centres … Where such venues have small, separate and directly accessible meeting facilities as part of the site, these may be used to host business meetings and events of up to 30 people if social distancing can be maintained”
  • “To reduce the risk of catching or spreading coronavirus, try to keep at least 2 metres away from people you do not live with.”
  • “Where you cannot stay 2 metres apart you should stay more than 1 metre apart, as well as taking extra steps to stay safe.” Governement advice on social distancing

To check your updates or to read the full document, go to: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/working-safely-during-coronavirus-covid-19/the-visitor-economy