Finding suitable team building activities for team meetings can be challenging. So we have gathered together our top 5 team building activities which you can use at the appropriate time.
Team building activities are a valuable way of stimulating, strengthening and motivating your team. Strong united teams are more effective, productive and creative. Productive teams have a powerful sense of belonging and shared purpose. Most teams meet regularly and so finding new ideas for team meetings can become time consuming. We have created a guide to team building activities which are specifically for team meetings.
Give thought to where you are going to meet. The meeting environment has a significant impact upon the overall success of the team building exercises so finding the right venue is crucial. Offsite meeting rooms provide a neutral, professional space, free from distractions. Look out for venues that offer something that your team can look forward to, for example an amazing lunch as this will make your team feel valued even before you begin your team building activities.
Setting your objectives ensures that themed team meetings and team building activities have a relevance and purpose. Common objectives for most teams are:
Team spirit comes from having a common purpose and shared interests. Consider finding a charity or cause for your team to support. Ideally this will be a charity that has a relevance to your company and be one that every team member is passionate about. Give your team the final say on which charity to support. Consider using each team meeting as an opportunity to raise a small amount of money for your chosen charity. This will add an additional sense of shared purpose. Each month share the total amount raised with your team so that they can see the positive difference that their shared efforts make.
Heath House Conference Centre and Business Hub specialises in providing a professional and affordable space for team meetings. Our central location just off A50, half way between Stoke (M6) and Derby (M1) is in easy reach of major cities and towns like Birmingham, Leicester, Nottingham, Lichfield. If you would like to find out more about the meeting facilities at Heath House Conference please call 01889 567014